The Plan and The Prep
My sister Jill and her hubby Shaun are travelling down via Frasier Island. Noice.
My parents Wayne and Kay are doing the grey nomad thing and dragging their new caravan down to camp up in the Sydney Woolers front yard.
The Plan
Our itinerary is Maleny, Coffs Harbour, Sydney, South West Rocks, Pottsville, Bunya Nat Park (got changed on the road to Burrum Heads due to weather), Home. Should be a cracker of a trip.
Going South
Going North
The Prep
This will be the first opportunity to get the Pajero out and about as the family tourer. I've only owned it for about 12 months and in that time I've lifted it 2", fitted new rubber and well, that's as far as I got.
This road trip will demand more storage to handle taking the family on the 3 week extended trip.
- Fabricate a roof rack. Make the roof rack came out of necessity. I couldn't get the rack I wanted for the Pajero without spending $1000+. Just the mounting brackets alone were close to $500 before I even thought about a rack.
- Install a cargo barrier. While rummaging around the local tip shop (also known as the shit shop) I found a Milford Cargo Barrier for the NM Pajero. I own a NP and they are very similar so this one would fit my car.'How much?' I ask, 'ummm, $25' is the response. SOLD! Brand new they are $500. The downside was this poor thing had been living outside in rain for a long time and so every part of it had surface rust, even under the paint.
No worries, a few hours with the pressure cleaner had the paint off, then rust convertor killed the rust and a fresh coat of hammertone paint to finish it off and hide the rough surface. - Replace the rear CV boots.Easy job. Once the tyre is off there's only 7 bolts to undo and the drive shaft is off.
- Install suitable power outlets in the rear of the car to handle a Waeco fridge.
- Install Child Attention Grabber, otherwise known as a LCD screen with movies.
- Fuel up, lets roll.